Sunday, May 01, 2011

Hi this is Claire!

hahaha Char gave the pass so i figured i would just write some stuff here.
today is labour day.
as well as char's birthday!

actually i doubt anybody comes here? LOL cept maybe for char.
you know, today is labour day.
but ironically im still DOING WORK

im doing my bio shit
i planned a long list of stufff to accomplish
but as always, i haven't even done half of it.

I know guitar is sad and disappointed that they got gold.
but i still applaud their remarkable efforts, how much time and sweat and tears they put into practice.
STILLLLL, i feel like KEEELINGGGG that manager or smth who did not pass the scores to the judges.
anyhow, good effort honestly.
i think Gold i still not bad actually.

haha on a side note, i sort of got two good news on that wednesday itself
cuz my team made it to 5th position!
you know how good that is?!?!?!!?
yeah... was EXHILARATED.
gna go back to doing work.
:( honestly my life will only come back when Alevels are over.
